Thomas Kilmann Conflict Model


Thomas-Kilmann refers to two psychologists, Kenneth Thomas and Ralph Kilmann who developed the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument. It was developed to help people deal with conflict situations.

Conflicts are quite common in relationships, and if they are not addressed appropriately, they can become quite stressful and problematic.

Assertiveness is a communication style that involves expressing your feelings, thoughts, and opinions in a direct and honest way while still respecting others.

Cooperativeness is a personality trait that concerns how much a person is generally agreeable in their relations with other people as opposed to aggressively self-centered and hostile


Individuals adopting competing styles are highly competitive in raising their concerns. They become so self-centered that they disregard the concerns of others for the sake of themselves


Individuals adopting this style value the concerns of others as much as their concerns. They firmly express their views and work with others with the intent to resolve the conflict.


Such People neither want to assert their views completely nor want to cooperate with others to resolve the conflict, they simply want to avoid the conflict so that it doesn't escalate further


Such people compromise on their desires and express agreement with the views of others. They find it difficult to assert their views and It's relatively easy to get your point across


It's about working together and being willing to cooperate with a mutual agreement, showing respect for each other's opinions and thoughts, and being ready to find a middle ground.

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