"The art of making people work together in sync to live a peaceful and harmonious life."
“Joy teaches you that it's important to balance other emotions and that happiness is just one part of a full emotional spectrum.”
“Sadness teaches us that it's okay to feel helpless and squeezing out our true emotions is a strength, not a weakness.”
“Anger teaches us expressing emotions in a healthy way. When channeled appropriately, expressing anger can provide a sense of relief and reduce stress.”
"Fear teaches us to be calculative and watchful, motivating us to plan ahead for upcoming risks. It can control our decisions, considering the consequences of our actions."
"Disgust teaches us to love and self-care by avoiding unhealthy or detrimental behaviors. It also teaches us to uphold our values rejecting anything that goes against it."
"Anxiety can teach us being tough while dealing with obstacles, even when they seem daunting."
"Envy can teach us Gratitude, Appreciation, building Self-Confidence and Self-Control motivating us to work towards goals."
"Ennui can teach us to search deeper to find the purpose and meaning of life. It encourages us to discover passion, interest and enthusiasm"
"Embarasament can teach us to accept flaws and build resilience. It teaches learning from mistakes and bounce back tough situations."
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