- By synchedharmony
Sleep Early
Going to bed early is as important as waking up early. If you make it a habit to sleep an hour earlier every day, the chances are higher that you will wake up an hour earlier the next day.
Avoid screen time
It’s important to avoid screen time at least 30 mins before sleeping and for an hour after waking up. The less stress before going to bed, the better will be your sleep quality.
Nighttime walks
The best way to avoid screen time is by including short nighttime walks in your routine after dinner. Walking after a meal helps with digestion and ensures food is properly processed.
Set Alarm
Set an alarm that doesn't disturb others. Ensure that just one alarm is enough to wake you up. If you're using your phone, place it away from the bed, so you have to get up to turn it off.
Sufficient Sleep
To wake up early, it’s crucial to get enough sleep. If you compromise on a solid 7–8 hours of sleep, your entire next day might feel dull. Make sure you prioritize enough sleep
Less Stress
To wake up early, having a stress-free mind is essential. To achieve this, it's important to avoid mobile screen exposure or any situation that could increase your stress levels before bed.
Light Dinner
The lighter your dinner, the better it is for both digestion and sleep. A lighter meal will digest faster, helping you fall asleep more easily. However, skipping dinner is not recommended.
Plan Activities
By setting your priorities for the next day in advance, you can prepare your mind to wake up early. You can plan activities such as car driving lessons, an early morning run, etc.
Find a companion
Find someone who can help you wake up early, such as a partner, family member who wakes up earlier than you. Having a companion helps as they keep you motivated to stick to your goals.
Set Priorities
Prioritize goals in life that are more important than your morning sleep. For ex, if you are passionate about running, you might be willing to sacrifice your extra sleep to train for it.
Bonus Tip
Avoid napping in the afternoon as it can disrupt your nighttime sleep. Afternoon naps can make it harder for you to fall asleep early at night, which affects your ability to wake up early.
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